
I love seeing my clients transform and thrive. There is nothing more rewarding that witnessing a client’s ah-ha moments, meeting revenue targets in a way that feels good, getting new roles and promotions, creating more ease at home, making brave choices and bold decisions. Here’s what they have to say:

What was life like before you started working with me?

I had left a well-paid, full-time role that truthfully had not been right for me for at least a year. Maybe longer. I felt stifled and frustrated. I knew that something much better was possible, but struggled terribly to understand what this might be and (more annoyingly) how on earth I would ever get to that place! I think my biggest fear was (and still is) that I will reach the end of this life without having done the work and had the positive impact that I was created to do.

 Having left that job in July 2020 to start my own business, I began by doing the work I knew how to do. I secured many short-term assignments, much of it from new leads I found and nurtured, but much of this work didn’t sit in alignment with who I really am. It paid the bills but left me feeling unfulfilled.


What did you try that didn’t work?

I tried a handful of smaller coaching and mastermind programmes. They succeeded in making me realise even more that something better was possible, but not how to get there. Some coaches are very good at providing an inspiring vision of the future, but not at helping you to reach it. To deal with the blockers (whether external or self-imposed) standing between you and that brighter future state.


There was a moment just before you sent the payment to work with me. What was the main reason, doubt or insecurity that was holding you back from signing up?

Prior to working with Aleksandra, I had a stressful relationship with money. My limiting beliefs made me focus only on the actual price and not the value that it represented. By reframing this as an investment in myself designed to boost my earning potential, I was able to sign up more confidently.


Where are you now? 

]It’s hard to articulate the differences between now and then. Having worked with Aleksandra, I have successfully removed many of the limiting beliefs that were holding me back. I have a vision for the future, but more importantly a deep understanding of what I need to do to get there. And even more importantly, the confidence that I can and will get there.

That this is all within my gift to create. I’m doing more meaningful work with better clients on higher rates. I’m also much less afraid to ask for what I want from them.

The biggest insights for me have been:

  • ​How to understand and break down the limiting beliefs which had held me back
  • Understanding the work which is uniquely mine to do. Work that sits in close alignment with my skills and beliefs
  • Learning to be mindful of the language that I use, especially with myself. Speaking

from a mindset of growth and possibilities and not one of limits

When I now think about the price of the coaching programme with Aleksandra, it’s no longer from the point of view of it being a big number. In reality (and in light of my increased rates and business turnover) it is not a lot of money at all.

I would not be where I am today and the investment has been worth every penny.


- Independent Consultant, Engineering and Leadership Development

What was life like before you started working with me?

Before I started working with Aleksandra I felt like there was a divide between how I showed up in my business and my personal life. I was finding it hard to truly motivate myself to drive my business forward because of this disconnect. Before Aleksandra started coaching me, I wasn’t even aware that this was the issue. My biggest fear previously was to show authenticity and vulnerability with my team and peers. I was struggling to shape my business into something I could be truly proud of.


What did you try that didn’t work?

I had worked with some excellent business coaches in the past. With hindsight I now realise that I had fundamental mindset limitations which were holding me back. Working with Aleksandra really allowed me to see the bigger picture and has allowed me to focus on taking my business to the next level.


There was a moment just before you sent the payment to work with me. What was the main reason, doubt or insecurity that was holding you back from signing up?

The main reservation I had prior to signing up with The Atman Practice was the level of financial investment required. Could I justify spending the money on myself especially when my team were not directly involved.

Where are you now?

I am now enjoying taking my business in a new strategic direction. I am much more focused on the tasks which have the greatest impact. I am doing less procrastination and feel less fear of putting myself out there in the wider world, especially through digital channels. I have a clear message to communicate and I’m not afraid of it.


- Managing Director & Business Owner, Recruitment Business Owner, Recruitment

What was life like before you started working with me?

I had lost all love for my work which I was once so passionate about. I didn’t know why. I felt burnt out and that it would be easier to get a job rather than running my own business. I didn’t know what to charge for projects, hated quoting and was losing a lot of money on projects by under charging. I was earning half the money I earned in employment as I was too scared to charge more. I was always second guessing how much people would want to pay me rather than what I wanted to be paid. I’d frequently knock money off an invoice before even sending it as I was worried the client would say it was too expensive. I thought clients would laugh at the cost and that my services weren’t worth that much. I dug my head in the sand and didn’t look at how long I’d spent on projects compared to how much I’d charged.

I said yes to everything even if I didn’t want to do it. I frequently did small bits of work for free rather than having a conversation about money. I never set boundaries.

I was working from home and had no pride in my appearance. I knew I had to do something as I didn’t want to spend the rest of my life working in my spare room.

My work was all word of mouth and I didn’t spend any time promoting my business. Building my website was always on my to-do list but I never got round to it. I got a lot of repeat work from clients but it wasn’t the type of work I wanted or where I added the most value.


What did you try that didn’t work?
I listened to business and creative podcasts. I knew that I needed to promote myself but all my time was spent on client work. I’d tried setting time aside but I would always convince myself I didn’t have time.


There was a moment just before you sent the payment to work with me. What was the main reason, doubt or insecurity that was holding you back from signing up?
The cost. I knew I had to do something as I was so unhappy but I was nervous about spending the money. I was also worried I’d spend the money and it wouldn’t make a difference. That I wouldn’t be able to change my mindset or that a mindset coach wasn’t the right person for me.


Where are you now?

I’m so much happier now. I believe in myself. I have an office that I go to every day and I make an effort with my appearance. This has really helped me separate work from my home life and I feel good about myself.

Everything that I put on my original vision has now come true and I’m now thinking bigger about what’s next for myself and my business.

 I now understand the value I add and have overcome the fear of charging my worth. This has happened gradually and what seemed impossible six months ago is now what I’m charging. I now understand that my prices have to reflect my business and the life that I want and not be based on what the client wants to pay. Just because one client doesn’t have the budget to work with me doesn’t mean there aren’t others out there that can. I’m now more confident in asking for what I want.
 I have a website and I’m actively promoting my business on LinkedIn. This has created opportunities both within my business community and getting new work. People have been getting in touch with me after seeing my posts and work online.
 I’m no longer afraid to set boundaries and say no to things that don’t align with what I want. I no longer feel I have to please people / put other people’s needs above my own.
 I now invest time and money into my business. I understand my ideal client and the type of work I want and I prioritise promoting my business. I have processes in place so that projects don’t over run. I plan ahead and use a spreadsheet to track my finances, track projects.
 I understand myself more and release my ways of doing things are ok and that I don’t need to try and do things the way others do.


- Independent Consultant, Business Owner, former director in a large corporate  

What was life like before you started working with me?

Before I started working with Aleksandra, my biggest fear was to not “be enough”, to not do enough at work. It concerned my professional life mostly, and also impacted my private life. This fear based thinking was very much integrated in my behaviour. I doubted that I could achieve the goals I had set for myself, and the ones my manager would set for me. And even when I reached those goals, it was difficult for me to recognize that I was successful. Because I had limiting beliefs in myself, I also wasn’t able to allow myself to dream big. 


What did you try that didn’t work?

I tried to meditate and to practice sports regularly, to be able to distance myself from the negative thoughts.


There was a moment just before you sent the payment to work with me. What was the main reason, doubt or insecurity that was holding you back from signing up?

I took a moment to acknowledge that this period of work with you would be a financial investment and also an investment in myself. I decided I had to be committed to this work, make time for it and focus my energy on it, before I signed up for it. 


Where are you now?

Today I am thinking much more with a growth mindset than a fear mindset. I don’t see the obstacles I used to see in front of me. I feel more self-confident and self-aware. The way I look at life has changed, with less doubts and this happened after less than 3 months of work with you which is a great achievement for me! 

The various methods we have used have helped me gain insights, with time. We also have done a lot of visualisation work – defining the vision of my future self and how to get there. These methods have made a big difference in implementing small changes on a regular basis.

Finally, I will always keep in mind that “what you focus on, expands”.

- Manager, Global Technology Company

What was life like before you started working with me?

Life before starting this process was uncertain, difficult and almost foggy. I didn’t have any direction and I genuinely did not know what I wanted (I still don’t know 100%, but who does!?). My biggest fear was getting to the root of my guilt, my anxiety about being a high achiever and asking for what I want, mainly because I felt like a fraud as up until this point had kind of stumbled through life, making decisions sporadically that felt right at the time but without the foresight of how these decisions would impact my future. 
I doubted myself constantly, mainly because nothing ever felt ‘right’ but it was starting to get better. The biggest struggle when I first started working with Aleks was picking apart my learned and conditioned beliefs and being truly and openly honest with myself about my wants, needs and values. I feel much clearer about all of these things now. 


What did you try that didn’t work?

Honestly, I hadn’t really tried anything like this before. I’d done regular therapy for depression and anxiety, which was unbelievably helpful and got me to a place of strength, but I had never invested in my future and myself like this before. 


There was a moment just before you sent the payment to work with me. What was the main reason, doubt or insecurity that was holding you back from signing up?

There was no doubt other than financially if I could afford this, but I decided that the ROI was more than worth it
 and I was right! 


Where are you now?

I am absolutely in a position of strength, over the past few months I have been totally frank and honest in terms of personal and professional wants and needs. 

I have clarity on where I want to be and what I need to do to get there, I have a clear understanding of what makes me happy, what gives me energy and what my values are. 

I’ve never felt more in control of myself and never felt more successful. I have signed a contract for a Director role that I genuinely really wanted, is more aligned with my purpose and values and was able to negotiate working from a different country for 8 weeks of the year – something I would have been too scared to do previously. I honestly can say that I have never felt more happy and fulfilled. 

What made the biggest difference was unpicking WHY I couldn’t ask for what I wanted and rectifying this. This single thing has held me back for the majority of my life, now I can safely say that this won’t happen again. 


- Then Senior Manager, now Director, Big Four, Financial Services, APAC 


What was life like before you started working with me?

I was very frustrated in my current job. I felt that senior management were unaware of my work and efforts and that I had no means of progressing or raising my profile. Importantly, I wasn’t on any of the Committees where key decisions were made even though my work is directly relevant to this process. In short, I felt in a rut.


What did you try that didn’t work?

I had asked my line manager several times if I could join the Committees and had been fobbed off each time. 


There was a moment just before you sent the payment to work with me. What was the main reason, doubt or insecurity that was holding you back from signing up?

I was worried that I would not commit to change and that I would be wasting money. 


Where are you now?

I now feel that I have agency over the direction of my career (rather than feel that it is dependent on approval from others). In particular I understand that I already had the power to achieve my goals, but need to be prepared to get out of my comfort zone and be proactive to achieve what I want.  Over the past few months I have raised my profile significantly internally, joined a key decision-making Committee, am expanding my internal and external network and am planning for a future that inspires me and is true to my authentic self.  I am genuinely excited about my future now.  


- Then – Senior Manager, now – Director, City Law Firm

What was life like before you started working with me?

Before I started working with Aleksandra I felt like there was a divide between how I showed up in my business and my personal life. I was finding it hard to truly motivate myself to drive my business forward because of this disconnect. Before Aleksandra started coaching me, I wasn’t even aware that this was the issue. My biggest fear previously was to show authenticity and vulnerability with my team and peers. I was struggling to shape my business into something I could be truly proud of.


What did you try that didn’t work?

I had worked with some excellent business coaches in the past. With hindsight I now realise that I had fundamental mindset limitations which were holding me back. Working with Aleksandra really allowed me to see the bigger picture and has allowed me to focus on taking my business to the next level.


There was a moment just before you sent the payment to work with me. What was the main reason, doubt or insecurity that was holding you back from signing up?

The main reservation I had prior to signing up with The Atman Practice was the level of financial investment required. Could I justify spending the money on myself especially when my team were not directly involved.


Where are you now?

I am now enjoying taking my business in a new strategic direction. I am much more focused on the tasks which have the greatest impact. I am doing less procrastination and feel less fear of putting myself out there in the wider world, especially through digital channels. I have a clear message to communicate and I’m not afraid of it.


- Managing Director & Business Owner, Recruitment

“Changes in my life since working with Aleksandra:


- More clarity with my business goals and a focus on profitability, not just creativity!

- Increased confidence with new projects.

- More self-awareness and gratitude.

- An abundance mindset that allows new opportunities in.


If you’re in need of inspiration but you can’t figure out the steps and strategies to take you to your dream life, get in touch she’s a miracle worker!”


- Rachel Clark, Business Owner & Consultant, Commercial Real Estate & Media

“Aleksandra is a remarkable mindset coach who will bring the best out of you.


She is able to give you a clarity of thought that is essential to build the success you dream of and the keys to implement helpful mental tools.


Her genuine concern for your projects, her affable personality, and her deep knowledge of her subject matter help her to create an environment that fosters creativity, self-awareness, and growth in every aspect of life.


I couldn’t recommend her enough.”


- Stephanie Michaux, Manager, Audible

“Changes in my life since working with Aleksandra:


- More clarity with my business goals and a focus on profitability, not just creativity!

- Increased confidence with new projects.

- More self-awareness and gratitude.

- An abundance mindset that allows new opportunities in.


If you’re in need of inspiration but you can’t figure out the steps and strategies to take you to your dream life, get in touch she’s a miracle worker!”


- Rachel Clark, Business Owner & Consultant, Commercial Real Estate & Media

“I found Aleksandra’s approach warm & gentle, with a perfect amount of kick, when needed!


She was quickly & cleverly able to extract my fears, worries & insecurities, then she taught me how to turn them into positive actions which I could begin to use straight away.


With her guidance & knowledge, she was really able to help me find the clarity I needed to move forward. After all of our sessions I honestly felt reenergised, creative & ready to take the steps needed to break through the blocks that had been holding me back.


Thank you Aleks, you have a great talent in what you do & I will be eternally grateful for your help in getting my mojo back!”


- Lucy, Photographer & Business Owner

“When I met Aleksandra I was at a low point in my career – I had excelled in my profession and risen to a senior position in my firm when circumstances arose whereby I was questioning my role in my company, and even questioning myself and my own abilities.


Aleksandra was a fantastic sounding board – helping to diminish my negative thought patterns and refocus on positive thoughts and actions.


The transformation was rapid – aided by regular discussions with Aleksandra to keep me on the right track – and it was not long before I was feeling like my “old self” and I could clearly see this attitude shift impacting on my client interactions. In six months, my revenue generation more than doubled and I feel more resilient to deal with any future setbacks.


Thank you for all your support Aleksandra!


- Partner, Regional Head Office, Accountancy Firm

“Life before coaching with Aleksandra feels like a distant memory now, I’ve changed and grown so much since then. I was just over a year into my business journey and although I had success, I was struggling to find my niche, to focus on what I wanted my business (and me) to be and I was fearful of myself.

I would spend nights awake, worrying about small issues in the business. I would fret endlessly. I was a mess. I was trying to do too much, undervaluing myself, unclear on my path and using language that was defeatist. Everything was hard, difficult, stressful and I wasn’t good enough. I nearly gave up.


I tried to be all things to all people. I was doing everything in my business, but I was being let down by people who were supporting me, so I didn’t want to let go. I was thinking short term – get through the next week/month and everything will be okay. None of these things helped.


I had coaching before, and I knew how valuable it would be, but I was worried about the investment required of me in both time and money. I was also worried that it would show that I wasn’t cut out to run my own business. I was embarrassed about putting myself in the spotlight. I didn’t think I deserved to flourish.


Now, my business is thriving. It changed with a thousand different nudges and realisations. I changed my language, I delegated roles in the business so I could focus on what I loved, I built a clear plan and a vision, I created boundaries.


Aleksandra helped me to work through and let go of my worry. She helped me to focus on what makes me happy, to work less and earn more. I changed my whole business model, took on less clients and charged more.


My biggest learning was to say NO and in return I secured more work. I trusted in the universe to answer me. I focused on positive collaboration and inspired action. I refocused on success, not worrying about failure.


Ultimately, she helped me find my inner voice, to be the confident powerful badass woman that was inside me, but I was fearful about letting shine. I connected with the vision for my business and let it flow through me. I gave myself permission to focus on myself and step into my power.


I can’t recommend Aleksandra enough, she helped me and my business to flourish and thrive.”


Vickie Rogerson, MD of PR Agency and Founder and Owner of Homage to Fromage

“Prior to my sessions with Aleksandra I had been feeling a little lost, low self-confidence & aware of a block (both creative and personal) which was preventing me from moving forward, these feelings were becoming overwhelming and I knew I needed some help in getting my mojo back in both my personal & creative business life.


After just one session with Aleksandra I started to feel excited about my future again. Her initial assessment and insight was so accurate I felt straight away that I was in safe hands & that I could really open up to her, and most importantly, myself.


I came into this process thinking I would get clarity around what I need to look for in a job, in order to be happy. Over the time we spent together I’ve got so much more.


I now have the tools to look after myself, be more productive and establish new habits.


I now hear the negative voice and know how to deal with it. More importantly I have introduced the positive voice which I didn’t really have before and it is making such a difference.”


- Fiona, Senior Manager, Management Consultancy

“I met Aleksandra at a time when I was really struggling with my confidence and Aleksandra’s sessions have brought my confidence levels on leaps and bounds.


Using clever techniques and methods Aleksandra created a bespoke, structured programme with set goals which were specific, measurable, and attainable.


I have seen fantastic results over the past few months including increased self confidence in the workplace and overall improved performance. I was impressed with Aleksandra’s ‘can do’ attitude and her ability to set small, manageable tasks with the bigger picture in mind.


I would recommend Aleksandra as a coach – she is very approachable, communicates things in a clear and concise manner, easily identifies the root of any problem and has the experience and encouragement to support you through the change process*”


- Alexandra, Senior Manager, Management Consultancy